Thanks to everyone who has taken an interest in this little adventure of mine. Your emails have made me feel much closer to home. I'm having such a great time here, but miss you all lots! Some of you have asked me about teaching and what my students are like. I've taught two and a half weeks now and so far so good. Since I've never taught before, I feel like I still have my training wheels on. For the most part, my students are delightful. Thais are generally very respectful of teachers. The only real behavior issues to deal with are students chatting while other students are talking and answering cell phones in class (for some reason neither are considered rude). But flash a knowing look and smile, and they'll instantly return a giggle and their attention to the class. My students this term range in age from 16 to 50-something, but the large majority are in their early to mid-twenties. Terms are six weeks with a week off between each one. Each term I'll teach different courses and possibly have different hours so the variety is nice. Right now I'm teaching several classes from high-beginner to intermediate during the afternoons. The beginner levels are fun, but actually more difficult because you have to be extra conscientious of word use and talking pace, and gestures and facial expressions are even more important. And I'm really enjoying the afternoons, but I think I'll try evenings next term to see what it's like to have days free.