I left Atlanta's 23 degrees to return to Bangkok's 84. But the weather was not the most noticeable difference to me. For one, Atlanta now seems so quiet compared to the clamor of all the vendors and motorists on the streets of Bangkok. Also, Atlanta is predictable, while this desultory city is full of the unexpected. My first day back, I couldn't stop smiling at the random things I had gotten used to: my security guard sitting at his post, listening to the radio and belting out Thai tunes; a waiter at one of my favorite restaurants sitting in the corner powdering his nose (the day before he was makeup-less and picking his nose); being asked "Where you go?" instead of "How are you?", maybe because it produces a more honest and practical answer. On the cab ride home from a bar Saturday night, I commented to friends on the Christmas decorations still up all over town. I wasn't surprised to hear, "Oh, they'll be up for another few months at least."