As you can see, I’ve been toying with my masthead again. (I pick at my scabs, too, if anyone's wondering.) And I'll probably change it again when the whim strikes. I also added a link to my
flickr page. I’ve been playing catch-up with my photos the past few weeks because I haven’t been good about putting them up as I take them. I still have a backlog, though, and hope to add the rest soon. Unfortunately, all this additional work caused my external hard drive—the one holding all of my photos—to go on strike. She’s flat out refusing to do any work. I’m keeping fingers tightly crossed that it’s a temporary tantrum and peace will be restored shortly (that’s all up to the manufacturer now). Luckily, I copied everything onto DVDs at the end of May, but that still leaves two months worth of photos hanging in the balance.
Last week I also became preoccupied with another online site. To quote Daniel (high school friend Daniel who visited Thailand, not Thailand friend Daniel) “the unstoppable machine that is
Facebook.” The fears that kept me at bay were warranted: I’m totally addicted. It’s been so much fun reconnecting with friends I haven’t talked to in years. If you’re on there, please look me up, maybe even leave a note on my wall!