Had an interesting taxi ride home last night. It was a little after midnight and we were waiting at a light when probably about a thousand runners (the cab driver said two thousand) came tearing out of the dark and up the other side of the street. There was something really funny about this unexpected sight. Our driver, almost certainly hopped up on something, thought it was exceptionally amusing and couldn't stop laughing and pointing. A marathon at that hour makes perfect sense, though, with no sun or heavy traffic to contend with.
The taxi fare for that ride home was 67 baht. Isabella handed the driver a 100 and asked for a 20 back. Then the conversation went like this:
Driver: Sorry, no change.
Isabella: (laughing) Yes you do, I know you do.
Me: Oh wait, here's 70.
Driver: What did you say? 70? (digging in his pocket) I have change.
Isabella took the picture above. I didn't want to reach over the cab driver so I handed the camera to her. I like the strange blending of some of the runners with the couple on a motorbike.