Goodbye (lmost) Vietnm
No, I hven't forgotten how to spell since I've been wy, but I'm using computer with broken key. It should be pprent by now tht the culprit is the letter tht comes before 'b'. I'm in the Mekong Delt now - the town of Chu Doc - nd just returned from the most spectculr sunrise bot trip. The sweetest ldy mneuvered me on her smll wooden bot through floting mrket nd floting villge, both bursting with color nd gorgeous in the golden erly morning sunlight. I'll tke bus bck to Ho Chi Minh City this fternoon nd fly bck to Bngkok tomorrow. Hrd to believe this trip hs lmost reched its end. I won't even try to word how incredible it hs been, especilly becuse reding this must be getting nnoying by now, but I will post pictures just s soon s I cn - I promiselllllllllll.............. (the exclmtion key is broken s well so if you could kindly, mentlly, plce the dots under the lines, I'd be ever so grteful).