If I hadn’t written off Songkran by the time it ended in Bangkok (which I had), I'm certainly over it now. The holiday ended on a Tuesday in Bangkok, but who knew that the folks in Kanchanaburi were celebrating it Wednesday (the day we arrived) and Thursday? Well, lots of people. But not me. And not the friend I traveled with. When our sawngthaew, which was to take us from bus stop to guesthouse, stopped at the edge of the madness because it couldn’t go any further, Daniel's eyes widened in disbelief. “Can’t it just be over?” he wailed. “It’s like being stuck in a movie and they keep making horrible sequels.” We booked a room at the only guesthouse we could get to, but by the next day the mayhem had spread so that we were in the middle of it. There was no way out but through it, so we arrived at the River Kwai Bridge wet, plastered (not the drunk kind, but the literal kind) and tired of being touched by strangers. The streets finally quieted around eight that night (with the help of police) and we could really begin to enjoy this scenic river town.