Yesterday was the King's 81st birthday and as his birthday, December 5th is also Father's Day. It's a national holiday and most people get the day off so Bangsaen was packed with beach-loving revelers from Bangkok. This man took advantage of the festivities to peddle his floral garlands, which are commonly sold on the streets of Bangkok.

The one shot I took of the beach crowd doesn't do justice but at least shows that Thais really do swim in their clothes. Funny enough, modesty seems to prevail more on the beach than on the street, where some skirts are so short, the wearer will place her notebook or bag behind her as she ascends the stairs. This departure from guidebook descriptions was a relief for me because it meant I could wear my sleeveless shirts without feeling like a farang tramp.

Groups of three and four merrily cruised along, sharing the effort. I liked this camera pass-off.

This man was having a great Father's Day teaching his little girl how to ride a bike.

The proud papa took one picture after another.

But at least one person had had enough fun for the day.