Oh my gosh, I have a blog. It seems I forgot that little fact for a while. As is probably obvious, the novelty of writing about my experiences here has worn off some. I'm always happy when I do sit down and record some aspect of my existence in Bangkok, but because everything is so familiar to me now, I'm just not that often inspired. I do, however, plan to be very inspired over the next couple of months because starting today ... please don't hate me ... I will be a lady of leisure, a nomad, a world (well, Southeast Asia) traveler for nine weeks. The best part is that I will pick up my dear friend and traveling buddy, the dazzling and debonair Ms. Stephanie, at the airport tonight. She will be here for the first three weeks of my sabbatical. Her trip is really what inspired me to take an entire term off. I want to travel with her for her entire stay here. I want to do a lot of traveling before I return home. I will probably be returning home shortly.* It's only getting hotter here so this is a great time to do it. (We're at the tail-end of the prime tourist season so the weather's not unbearable but the crowds should have thinned some.) Together, Stephanie and I will visit northern Thailand; Siem Reap, Cambodia (home of the revered Angkor Wat); and Luang Prabang, Laos. Then I will continue on in Laos, head to Vietnam, and that's where the planning ends. I have many ideas but no definite agenda, leaving myself open to any opportunity that presents itself.
*Yes, so as for that little bit that requires elaboration, my return date is as up in the air as my travel plans. I seem to be having trouble with commitment lately. It's like this. I love it here, making it hard to bite the bullet and leave. However, I really miss home and family and friends. However, the economy stinks back there so finding a job may prove to be as challenging as uncovering the mystery of the
Plain of Jars. However, however, however... You see my predicament. Perhaps a little traveling will give me a fresh perspective and the fog will lift, unveiling the best path forward as clear as day. Perhaps.