I'm having a bittersweet moment, or few days I should say. On one hand, I can't wait until the teaching day is done tomorrow because that will mark the beginning of four weeks off. I'm so excited about all my travel plans, which include Thailand with Andrea and Jason and Laos with Ange. But I'm also a little reluctant to leave this quiet life in Bangsaen. The six weeks has flown and I must say I'm not ready for it to be over. I only need to take you through my afternoon walk for you to understand.

These bikes were the first to beg me to take their photograph. When I finished, the very sweet shop owner pointed across the street toward the sea and this is what awaited me there.

After walking a little ways more, I sat down on these rocks to watch the sunset. I've seen more sunsets in the past six weeks than in all my other days combined, and I can't see ever growing tired of it.

While sitting there, this adventurer passed by, followed by several friends.

After savoring the cool breeze for a while longer, I walked over to my favorite Bangsaen restaurant, Seahorse. Dave, Ange and I have dined here enough lately, the server runs through our favorite dishes and we just nod. The food is delicious, the atmosphere appropriately chill, and the sea view from upper level seating not too shabby.

These guys are always there, sprinkling their Thai love songs and English covers with low-key jokes (some we're pretty positive are about us, based a little on the words we pick up but mostly on the other diners' smiles and side-glances at the only foreigners there).

I love that the stage is decorated for Christmas, as is the rest of Thailand. Actually, many places in Thailand have Christmas-like decorations up year-round, but they get more specific this time of year. I walked past someone the other day who saw me and started singing Jingle Bells just loud enough so I could hear. Classic.